Meth Withdrawal: Symptoms & Timeline

crystal meth withdrawal symptoms

Detoxing from meth is one of the main hurdles to begin the recovery process. People who are in late-stage meth addiction use meth more so to avoid withdrawal than to actually feel good. While not fatal on their own, they can lead to dangerous outcomes if not supervised by medical professionals. Thoughts of suicide are not unheard of, and this is a major risk that needs to be taken seriously.

Why Is Meth Addiction So Widespread?

  1. When a dopamine spike happens in a specific area of the brain (called the NAc), it signifies that whatever is happening at that moment is “surprisingly” good.
  2. Our goal is to offer people a single source of relatable, reliable information at any stage of their recovery journey.
  3. Find out the differences between Adderall and methamphetamines, as well as amphetamines vs. methamphetamines.
  4. Always call 911 or go to the hospital if you or a loved one has signs of a meth overdose.
  5. Dependence refers to a physical state in which your body is dependent on the drug.

For this reason, medically supervised detox can be a crucial part of a care plan. Detox centers and rehabilitation facilities provide around-the-clock medical supervision to those undergoing detoxification. Nurses and doctors on staff will ensure you are adequately hydrated and have the proper nutrients, allowing you to detox healthily and safely. Methamphetamine (also known as “crystal meth”) is an extremely addictive drug.

You deserve excellent care and a rewarding life in recovery.

crystal meth withdrawal symptoms

You might wonder if it’s drug use or something else, such as stressful job or time in their life. When you have an addiction, you can’t stop using a drug, regardless of any negative consequences. Addiction can occur with or without physical dependence on the drug.

Top Crystal Meth Addiction Treatment Center in Atlanta, GA

Both comedowns and withdrawals are caused by an imbalance in neurotransmitters in the user’s brain. A comedown, which is also called a crash or a down, is a common occurrence amongst people who abuse the substance. It is a bit different and typically less severe than withdrawal symptoms, which can be life-threatening. Nevertheless, the psychological strain of a methamphetamine comedown could lead a person to harm themselves or others. Crystal methamphetamine is a synthetic psychostimulant drug that speeds up the inner working of the brain and affects the central nervous system, with long-lasting effects on the body. Nicknames include crystal, speed, zoom, go, crank, tweak, ice, glass, rock candy, shizzo, yaba, fire, uppers, poor man’s cocaine or shards.

By 1971, the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (USDEA) classified all amphetamines as Schedule II controlled substances, citing the potential for abuse, dependence and addiction. The pure form of methamphetamine, Desoxyn, is rarely ever prescribed in the U.S. By law, private insurers have to cover some of the costs of substance use treatment, and most drug rehab centers accept private and public health insurance. Your costs will depend on the type of health insurance you have and what facilities or services your provider covers. Detox is the safest and most effective way to treat drug addiction. After detox, the next step of treatment is going to rehab to tackle the underlying psychological causes of addiction.

Withdrawal of methamphetamine after long-term abuse results in an inability to feel pleasure because of a lack of dopamine and dopamine receptors. It can take up to two years to restore dopamine balance in the addict’s brain. Methamphetamine addicts frequently relapse because they struggle with severe depression and are unable to continue recovery. Methamphetamine affects one’s mental health and triggers changes in the central nervous system (CNS) and brain.

As symptoms improve, doctors will adjust treatments accordingly. Medical staff will also keep the patient’s loved ones informed and updated on their progress. A treatment center will attempt to verify your health insurance benefits and/or necessary authorizations on your behalf. Please note, this is only a quote of benefits and/or authorization. We cannot guarantee payment or verification eligibility as conveyed by your health insurance provider will be accurate and complete.

The report indicated that other types of drugs failed to effectively treat meth-dependent patients, including GABA agents, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, ondansetron and mirtazapine. When people take meth frequently or in high doses, it can eventually lead to a substance use disorder. Meth addiction can induce symptoms of withdrawal, a set of health problems that can linger for days. The next step is a clinical assessment, in which the person and healthcare professionals discuss treatment options.

The three main portions of withdrawal are the crash, cravings and recovery. Methamphetamine withdrawal is a slow, difficult, but enormously valuable process that may last several days or weeks. Withdrawal symptoms are uncomfortable even if a person has only used meth for a short time. Withdrawal symptoms are more likely to occur based on how long and how much of the substance has been used.

Treatment support can be vital in preventing meth addiction relapse. You can have physical and psychological symptoms when you stop using meth. How you’ll feel off the drug depends largely on how often you use it and at what doses. The powerful rush you get from using meth makes it easy to get hooked right from the start. When it’s used, dopamine floods your brain to boost feelings of pleasure.

You can also locate a drug and alcohol rehab center using the directory here. To understand the importance of detox, it is important to understand the relationship between dependence and withdrawal and this relates to detox. In other words, a person feels like they need this drug to feel and function normally. With significant levels of physiological dependence, a person may continue to compulsively drink or use drugs to avoid unwanted withdrawal symptoms. You can’t take medication specifically approved to treat meth. But substance use treatment with medical detox and behavioral therapies for addiction can help you recover from meth use disorder.

These can range from fatigue and depression to intense cravings. Although most withdrawal symptoms may resolve after a few weeks, some may continue for much longer. Meth produces an intense high that comes on and fades quickly. Coming down can cause difficult emotional and physical symptoms, such as depression and insomnia. As a result, meth addiction often follows a pattern of bingeing on the drug for several days at a time, followed by a crash.

Identifying the exact duration of meth withdrawal is difficult because the length and severity of withdrawal symptoms vary by person. Someone who has abused meth for several years will likely experience stronger effects of withdrawal than a person who has abused the drug for a couple of months. The most severe effects of meth withdrawal typically occur within the first couple days of detox. Although symptoms gradually subside within one to two weeks, certain withdrawal effects can persist for several weeks after someone stops taking the drug. People can experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop using it.

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